Hey there friends!
Today I am going to reveal one of my most recent campaigns that only ran the last few days on Sweeva, a new social browsing traffic exchange.. and diagnose why it has worked so well.
Here is my proof:
I created “My Web Form 3” and didn’t give it a name cause I was lazy, but its basically the optin form I used exclusively for my page I advertised on Sweeva. The page for these results can be seen here.
Ok so let’s get down to the details.
Displays is how many times the page was shown to someone. In other words the page loaded 1,272 times.
Of those times, the optin form was filled out 83 times, resulting in a 6.5% conversion rate from viewing to optin.
Considering that this is for a traffic exchange where viewers are browsing to view many sites and only land on your page for less than 20 seconds, it’s stellar results.
Even more so, it was shown to a total of only 793 surfers, which means the final optin rate was a massive 10.5%, that’s over 1 optin for each 10 people! (a lot of people struggle to get that well on PAID traffic)
But the reason why I’m sharing this is to show you what you can learn from my approach.
Whenever I enter a new market (traffic source) I generally do the following things:
1. Identify the need or problem of the potential prospect
In this case I knew I had to provide something of value to Sweeva users. Well, I had learned some things about Sweeva that would be useful to others, and would help them better understand how to use it and get more benefit out of it.. so that was a perfect offer.
2. Either find a solution or create a solution for that problem or need.
(I created the video)
3. Deliver that through a compelling offer that will build my list, brand and value. (my capture page)
The result: Now over 83 added people to my list (after just a few days, and from just this ONE source) from providing REAL value and good karma.
Look, when you advertise somewhere you can take that approach and sniper in on the market and get real results (success is NOT an accident).
OR, you can take the shotgun approach like most people do and throw up a page and hope some people act on it. Honestly, I didn’t have to put a whole lot of effort into creating a video, so the value of my time was well worth it.
Also, the more value you provide to others the more value you will receive in return.. and the more profits 🙂
All the best,
Darren Olander