At least some of your visitors are definitely muting your website.
In the video below I show you how they are likely doing it (you can too for free, if you want), and what you should be doing about it as an advertiser.
As promised, here is a list of other must-have browser extensions!
- Alexa Toolbar – This free extension will give you site rankings so you can see roughly how popular websites are. The lower the number, the more popular. It’s a great way to gauge where your advertising may get the most bang for your buck.
- Roboform – Never lose your passwords again, and make sure they are all secure and unique. One-click logins are awesome!
- VMP’s Ultisend – I use this to send to a large amount of the mailers (safelists) I use and to keep track of when it’s time to mail, so I don’t miss any mailings.
- DLB Caddy – This extension from Troy Wray will easily import and remember all of your affiliate IDs so you can with a click of a button fill out your IDs within Downline Builders. No more manually submitting your downline builder IDs – wow!
Also, join the discussion about Muting on Marketing Checkpoint and answer the poll – we want to know how many people are muting their sound!