I get the majority of my signups and sales day in and out by advertising on OTHER people’s lists.
The more I advertise, the more I make so of course I get excited when there is a new QUALITY list that I can start hitting with my emails.
Well, TimTech have just opened List Nerds today and knowing their history… this list will be a sure winner. It’s important for a list to grow well for it to be super responsive, and TimTech definitely knows how to do that.
That is why I’m sharing it with you…
I’ll be sending my ads and getting signups from THEIR list every day, and you can too..
Start free and test it out, or scale up and maximize your reach by joining as a paid member right now, your choice!
==> http://darrenapproved.com/recommends/listnerds
For joining through my link I’m going to reward you with several freebies – YES just for joining – even if you stay free!
Join List Nerds and get (only from me):
* 5,000 Banner Ad Credits at Adchiever.com (people have been asking for these!)
* Exclusive Reward code at Adchiever
* Exclusive Reward code at ViralNugget.com (send a lot more mails!)
Do this now and start seeing more traffic TODAY…
Step 1: Join List Nerds under my link:
==> http://darrenapproved.com/recommends/listnerds
Step 2: Send me a ticket claiming your extras!
==> http://mymembersupport.com
Just use subject “List Nerds freebies!”
(Please provide your account IDs for all sites – Adchiever, Viral Nugget, and List Nerds)
To your success!
Darren Olander
P.S. I pride myself on only sharing with you the highest quality resources online, I take no shortcuts on those standards and would never want to undermine the trust you have in my recommendations…
List Nerds is something I stand behind because I believe strongly it will be a quality resource that will help you be more successful, and it should definitely not be ignored!