Your internet marketing business relies on content – but content can get expensive. Whether you’re spending your own time or spending money getting content created, it’s important to make your content stretch. Fortunately, through content repurposing you can make use of your existing content in new ways. Not only does this help you save resources but it helps keep your marketing consistent. If your content is coming from the same basic sources, you can make sure your message is staying the same through all of your marketing channels.
Look what we’ve done!
I’m so pumped today! Matt and I just released version 2.0 of List Surfing after half a year of intense development…
Is Article Marketing Dead? Backlinks in a Post Panda World
For those of us creating great content and submitting it to article directories, the Google update is a bit disappointing. But the update doesn’t mean the end of article marketing. You can still use backlinks from article marketing websites. You just have to make sure that the content and the directories meet certain criteria.
5 Ways to Stay Productive – No Matter What!
When you’re working on your online marketing business, it’s very important to stay productive. The more you can focus on the task at hand and complete everything that you need to do in a given time frame, the more likely you’ll reach your Internet marketing goals. Whether you’re researching a new niche, setting up your own website, spending time blogging or making connections on social media, the following tips will make it easier for you to stay productive.
4 New Tools to Measure Social Media Influence
Social media marketing can get you the exposure, traffic, engagement and sales that you are looking for. Although social media influence can mean different things to different people, the general consensus is that your social media influence is your ability to have your messages seen, acted on and passed on to others. If you have a low amount of influence, you aren’t connected with enough people and don’t have enough respect in your niche community to make a measurable impact. As you grow your influence you’ll find it easier to get the results that you are looking for from social media.
3 Pieces of Content You Need to Market Your Business
Content is essential to laying the foundation for your business and showing that you have what your target market wants to buy. Without content, you’re stuck. But there are so many types of content available, it’s impossible to tell what you should invest in. If you’re trying to get your business off the ground or just want to inject new life into your marketing campaigns, here are three pieces of essential content.
3 Ways to Use Video Marketing the Right Way
Video marketing is one of the freshest ways to engage your audience and get more search engine traffic. Even in rather crowded markets it’s possible to get rankings and traffic from video marketing. Using video as a regular part of your marketing efforts can get you the results that you’re looking for.
5 Steps to a Successful Facebook Fan Page
If you’re not on Facebook, you’re missing out on a wonderful opportunity to reach out to your target market, become a trusted resource and, most importantly, make more money. With a Facebook Fan page you can create a centralized hub for your online business and connect with people who are interested in what you have to offer. Creating a fan page is now easier than ever. Here are five steps to setting up the right type of page so you can get the biggest return on your investment of time.
Hurt by Google Panda? Here’s What to Do
There’s no doubt about it – Google updates are something that all Internet marketers fear. After spending months (or even years) building up your backlink profiles and making sure that you’re maintaining good search engine rankings, a Google update can rock your marketing plans and leave you with a lot less income each month.
3 Ways To Position Yourself As A Niche Expert
In the online world, positioning is everything. It doesn’t matter how much knowledge or experience you have, if you can’t show other people that you’re an expert in your niche. If you have a good amount of offline credibility and you’re looking to build your online credibility and positioning to match, here’s a few tips.